Template Service

If you wish to provide your own custom template service you can use the templateServiceUrl startup parameter. This parameter defines a base url for a REST service that conforms to the specifications described below.

If you do not want to provide custom templates, omit the templateServiceUrl parameter from the startup method and the default templates will be provided by the server.


editor = new ESDWeb(null, 'editorNode');

/* set other properties here */

    /* other parameters */,
    templateServiceUrl: "http://www.example.com/REST"

Template Service REST Requests

There are three REST request you are must implement for a custom template service.

  1. Get Template Groups
  2. Get Template Information for a Group
  3. Get Template

You may implement this REST service using the server-side technology of your choice. Please refer to the documentation for your server-side technology on how to accomplish this.

Note that the parameter <country code> is included with each of these requests. If your application supports multiple languages you can use this parameter to return localized results.

Get Template Groups

Request: <template service URL>/groups/<country code>

Returns a list of all template groups.

The result will be a JSON string in the following format:

    "group name one",
    "group name two,

Get Template Information for a Group

Request: <template service URL>/group/<country code>/<group name>[?s=<search>]

Returns info on the templates in the group <group name> where <group name> is a group name returned by Get Template Groups. The template info may be limited to the template that match the search string <search>.

The result will be a JSON string in the following format:

        "templateId": <template ID>,
        "name": "<template name>",
        "description": "<template description>",
		"keywords>": "<delimited text>"

The keywords property can be multiple words delimited by a space, semicolon or comma.

Get Template

Request: <template service URL>/template/<country code>/<template id>

Returns the template with ID <template id> as an SVG string.