beginZIndex Property


This property allows you to specify the beginning z-index for the ESD/SPD Web editor. This provides a way to define how the ESD/SPD Web editor interacts with other tools and components that are part of your solution.

This property defines the the lowest z-index used by the visual components of the ESD/SPD Web editor. All the dialogs and messages shown by the editor will have a z-index greater than the value of this property.

General information about z-index is available at:

The default beginning z-index of the ESD/SPD Web editor is 2000.

To get and set the value of this property, use the ESDWeb object's get and set method as illustrated below, or in the configuration parameter to the startup method. If you choose to use it, it can only be set before the startup method is called. If it is set afterwards, an error message will be displayed and the property will not be set.


To set the beginning z-index:

editor = new ESDWeb(null, 'editorNode');

editor.set('beginZIndex', 50);

/* set other properties here */


To get the beginning z-index:

var beginningZIndex = editor.get('beginZIndex');